Sponsors and Supporters

We would not exist without the support of our wonderful community. Thank you to each of these incredible sponsors who make our work possible.

Grant and Foundation Support

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This program is supported in part by Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. Georgia Council for the Arts also receives support from its partner agency – the National Endowment for the Arts.

This program is supported in part by Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. Georgia Council for the Arts also receives support from its partner agency – the National Endowment for the Arts.

The Homestead Foundation

The Zeist Foundation


The Imlay Foundation

Funding provided by a grant from the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta

Funding provided by a grant from the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta

Lewis H. Beck Educational Foundation

The Wish Foundation

Pro Bono Support + Corporate Sponsorships


Pro Bono Partners of Atlanta - legal support team

Russell Shaw Design - graphic design, website creation, creative assets and branding

The Atlanta Actors Summit

Act For A Change

Friends of Paint Love Major + Recurring Donors


Allison Arsenault
Venessa Bines-Truitt
Cameron Carter
Frances Chang
Amy + Rich Clarke
Gray + Katherine Clevenger
Lizzie Cosse
Dale + Alan Cost
Betsy Eppes
Aprile Greenleaf
Samantha Greenleaf

Patricia Gregg
Leigh Hall
Kate Holmes
Elizabeth Johnson
Paige Levin
Jennifer + Erik Lingvall
Lydia + Andrew Mays
Darrell McKevitt
Lynn + Rick Mercer
Miss Moonshine
Kelly Nelson

Mandy + Jason Noa
Keyonda Noel
Robin Olson
Maggie Weeman
Karen Wetmore
Russell + Laura Shaw
Lisa Stauffer
Lauren Phillips
Anonymous in Asheville, NC
Chloe Young
Susan Young